BREAKING: Democrats’ Secret Plot EXPOSED—Here’s How They Plan to Steal the Election!



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Once Trump is back in office , these people need to go to prison for a long time ……… Period !


    • The Invading Illegal Aliens, Foreign Soldiers & Haters of America are being brought here by the Millions & Abortions must continue because they don’t want US to provide workers from legal families.

  1. That’s why the ‘rats are allowing the illegal freeloader invasion to continue. Who will they vote for? Well, they’ll vote for the party that let them in and gives them everything. That would be the Democrap party. Non-citizens should NOT be voting in our elections. Voting should be for US citizens only.

  2. Once Trump is in the WH, the crooked Dems need to repay all of the monies that they stole from the American people to support the illegal aliens.

  3. You need to arrest these fraud poll workers and those involved in any type of fraud during elections in any part of the cycle. All must be held accountable. Laws need to be changed at motor vehicle, and voting tables: all people must present photo ID and proof of citizenship. All mail in unless for service people or physically incapacitated. All must pass a mental health test or show proof of mental acuity and proof of speaking English. I know an elderly, uneducated woman from a foreign country who only had 8th education, could barely speak English and you could barely understand as she had to slow down or re-state constantly and sometimes you still could not understand this; she was always forgetful, dementia and she was voting Democrat as she was told to do that by the illegals and others from her place of birth. They were told the Democrats help the illegals to get in faster bypassing the legal method. She was against the Democrats after being told of their policies and she was Christian who valued reading the Bible. She said she was going to vote Republican but when she went into the booth she had trouble maneuvering and she came out to ask questions of mechanically how to do it; was getting forgetful who the candidates were. Just one example of how some are incapable of voting as they do not have health faculties and cannot make a decision mechanically to vote even if they have an idea or know who the best candidate maybe. Of the illegals, 50% are illiterate or low functioning in I.Q. or lack basic skills to make a rational decisions and/or mechanically maneuver the ballot machines. Some bring illegal medications to re-sell in the US and they have only 8th grade educations but still use these medications on people in the US without a medical license and they admit to this – some have been caught and apprehended. Some illegals are harbored illegally by churches in basements and some of these illegals rob the churches and disappear – the church pastors regret this and refuse to take in any further illegals as they learned their lessons. Nobody should bring in any unvetted people from any country without background checks from their previous nation of birth. AMERICAN cannot take those risks to endanger its American citizens.

  4. well obama wants his 4th terms to continue to destroy, divide the country,
    kamala is just a bigger puppet than joe,
    and she is a disgrace to woman,
    and she is destroying the chance for a real female with brains to become president, kamala can NOT answer a question without teleprompter or ear piece or be programmed prior
    and she screwed over joe

  5. What can we do if they let illegals vote and turn the election in their favor. The law give me a break. The law is in bed with the rotten Democrats. What rights do we have left. Where are we heading America if this happens.

  6. #1 Doccument every reported infraction of the states law and publisize the findings and all the facts that give the impression of impropriates have occured.
    #2 Demand a recount in any state that refused to follow common sense election security rules!
    #3 Expose all of the questionable, unethical, and outright illegal activities discovered in the states where Dems have a firm victories. Start with the searching of voter roll cleanups and/or lack thereof!

  7. I believe that all of these people who have attacked and brought these bogus charges against President Trump should be arrested, prosecuted, and charged with the crimes they have committed against President Trump and given prison time. I would love nothing more than to watch Jack Smith and Fani Willis handcuffed and arrested for there crimes against President Trump.


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