Bill Clinton slips up when campaigning for Kamala Harris



As a woman, I am unbothered by Trumps tone. I am not looking to date him; I am looking for the person best qualified to run the country.

Women and men, NOT getting pregnant is a personal responsibility, abortion is not birth control.



    • A vote for Harris is a vote for socialism and the end of America and our freedom,stop supporting the corrupt,anti-american Demonrats administration because another 4 years of thier corruption and lies and say goodbye to our country,they’re anti-american American and it’s people last,Trump/Vance to MAKE AMERICA and it’s citizens First again,get help for your TDS and obvious mental health issues

    • Go crawl back into your hole like the mole rat creature that you are. Your TDS is showing through once again. How can you get through each day with so much hatred that’s embedded in your brain? You need a therapist to help rid you of these demons before they take over your soul too. Stay away from the mind controlling Kool-Aid.

      • Leslie – nice language – NOT.

        And YOU don’t have hatred????

        Hey how about trump going on about the size of Arnold Palmer’s dick? How great does that look on the world stage?

        • Lynette–Leslie’s language was certainly much more pleasant than Elias calling Trump supporters MAGA maggots–now THAT is NOT nice language but you accept that as OK? Go figure. Nor did Leslie show any more hatred than Elias. Let me also remind you, the locker talk unfortunately is often part of people talk and only someone who has it in for another person would take it outside and share it. If you think that neither Clinton nor Biden has never said anything like that, then your gullibility level is pretty high. They simply never allow it to see the light of day–given all the liberal platforms that exist out there.

          • Helen, I don’t like any of that language from either Leslie or Elias, but a presidential candidate requires a higher standard of language don’t you think?

            Did Clinton or Biden say stuff like that? Probably. But not on the stage of a presidential candidate. You think the whole world didn’t see this? They must be thinking, “Boy, is that guy stupid if he is trying to win votes with this. They are thinking, “I hope he wins because he doesn’t have a clue, we can manipulate him, easy!”

            Locker room talk is fine – in a locker room. Not when you are trying to win votes on the biggest stage in the world. It is just plain stupid.

  2. Dopey Joe started the destruction of America and cackling Kammy will finish the job. Having either dopey Joe’s fingers or cackling Kammy’s fingers on the nuke buttons is terrifying.

    • Actually, it was Obama that started the 16-year plan of the destruction of America. He served the first 8 years in office, then he pulled the Biden puppet strings for almost 4 years. We need to stop his remaining 4 years when he will finish the total destruction of America as we know it. It’s imperative that we put Trump back in the WH to save America from the One World Order that is or already has taken hold of many other countries. This is not a science fiction or thriller novel/movie. It’s real. Look what America has already become. Vote Trump/Vance 2024.

  3. I don’t know who is scarier – trump or Vance.

    Please explain what the 16-year plan of the destruction of America actually is. We who don’t read/view conspiracy theories don’t know.

  4. You know what is really scary ? People like Elias and Lynette actually think that they are intelligent! STOP drinking the Obama kool-aid you 2 fools!

  5. Oh Bill, you drank tRUMP’s Kool-Aid.

    Okay – we disagree.

    So what do you think about tRUMP’s dick comment? Can you figure out a cover for that statement?

    • Oh Lynette, you seem to be obsessed with “dick” lately. Are you a tad lonely? I am sure whatever statement you are talking about has been blown out of proportion just like his “blood bath” statement months ago. What I do find amusing is slick Willie’s perverted smile when he looks at Kacklin’ Kamie, remembering “Monica”maybe?

      • Bill, just go to the video and see what trump said. I am guessing that you haven’t actually seen it or you would give me a better rationale for dismissing what he said.

        This is not on the same level as the blood bath statement.

        Why on earth would someone trying to be president say that at a rally – not only in front of those people – but knowing (he MUST know, right?) that it would play on all sorts of platforms across the world? How does that win any new votes or give him the respect of world leaders?

    • Read above comment and bring your mind up from the sewer
      A little dose of Jesus will do wonders for people who think this way

      • Ok Maggie,point taken but I am pretty sure the good lord looks down on adulterers and child molesters. But I am just a simple man with simple values,and speaking like “thou shall” do this and “thou shall not” do that doesn’t work with idiots like Elias.

    • You know Jan,poor poor Lynette is a “never Trumper” and no amount of common sense reasoning will ease her frustration. I am sure it was ok for slick Willie to take advantage of a young intern,”Monica Lewinsky”, or for “Tampon Tim” to take young boys to China where it’s ok to molest them. But hey ,tell a dick joke and “OH MY GOD” good old Lynette throws a hissy fit! Sometimes I wonder just how F’d up our world has become.

    • Jan ArmyVet – didn’t trump realize that this was NOT private, but on a WORLD stage? That this was BEFORE a very close election – not AFTER?

      How dumb can you get if you are trying to win NEW voters!

  6. Lynette,
    Are you in Montana? I know you’ve never been in a locker room or an Army barracks. I know someone that went to that P-hat rally down in Washington. Were you there? It’s sad that all of our State Facilities have been shut down. This former Marine wouldn’t be on trial today in “Kangaroo Court City”.
    You probably are more concerned about abortions than being invaded by China or nuked by Iran. Unfortunately, those in that boat weren’t aborted by their parents, and the USA would be a better place. A vote for this Marxist is actually a vote to destroy this country. Remember, this administration believes veterans are possible terrorists. Look how they have labeled former Congresswoman and Nat. Guard Lt Col Tulsi GABBARD. I wonder if Iran, China or Russia would put the Abortion Referendum on their elections? “Oh” they don’t, unless they are like our 2020 or the way a coup d’Etat recently took out the candidate the Democrats voted for?

  7. TroopAbn who cares where I am. I am curious why, IF you support trump, you don’t care that he is ruining his chances to win? You care that our country would go down the wrong path with Harris – and here trump just made his job to win harder? Why don’t YOU notice or care about that?


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