Bill Maher has officially GIVEN UP on Kamala Harris lol



The only thing Black about KAMALA is her Soul !!!!

She is not African-American


  1. Even bona fide blacks like Whoopi who are so hate-filled that their hearts have turned so black that the hate exudes from their pores. That’s why they scream racist at every turn – it’s coming from inside of them, not from others. They will never recognize that. The hate-mongers feed off of the deep down hate of others. A vicious cycle.

  2. When she claimed to be “of color” … she brought race into it .. when she claimed to be “a woman” … she brought sex into it. At no time did she bring her policies into it at the beginning.
    Now I don’t have a problem voting for a female… just not “her”.
    When people have to be demeaned and coerced to vote for her, wake up, something is wrong with this picture. It’s like you’re not smart enough to make your own decision that you have to have someone belittle you into voting for THEIR political party. By a man who is biracial like Harris. Neither of which are “black”, but rather mixed race. I would had more respect for either of them had they stated that fact rather than 1st black president and 1st black female president. If they can’t be honest with themselves how can you expect them to be honest with you?
    Trump is not perfect by any means, but at least you know where he stands and he doesn’t pull any punches. He says it like it is and many people can’t handle the abruptness of his remarks. Guess maybe they’re too use to having it sugar coated for them.
    In all honesty I wouldn’t vote for Kamala if she was the only one running. Not because she’s a “black” “woman”, but because she isn’t who she claims to be. And I abhore “fake” people.

  3. Kamika – “Trump is not perfect by any means, but at least you know where he stands” – huh? He’s flip-flopped so many times I have NO idea where he stands.

        • Posting that link, shows that you’re an idiot, those are things that he found out after taking office, when he realized that he might have made a miscalculation he adjusted it, Kamala Harris just blatantly lied about fracking, private health insurance, EVs, gun confiscation, and Joe Biden’s cognitive health.

          • Backup – how about having a conversation instead of calling names like a 6-year old?

            Right, he couldn’t figure out Nato ahead of time. The importance of NATO is taught in high school. He hated it until he loved it until he hated it.

            Visitor’s logs – he promised to be transparent – then he wasn’t. All the other president’s logs are public record. What was he trying to hide?

            “It’s Time To Drain The Swamp In Washington, D.C.” trump says. Then he staffs up with cronies – some of who are now in jail.

            How about that plan to get rid of Obamacare with something better? After ALL these years – he has a “concept.”

            Yeah, nice about that abortion lie of trump’s – that EVERYONE wanted it to go back to the states. That is a flat out lie.

    • Lynette you are truly a fool I see your responses a few times a week and I can say you really don’t flip-flop, no you just keep responding with the same idiotic opinions. Makes me wonder if you really are aware of the disaster that has been caused by this current administration or do you reside in La-La Land?

      • I do not know how NOT knowing what someone as powerful as a president can be, and this person changes his mind on the things that YOU voted for them to do, then they do the opposite, that is not a problem for the USA.

  4. LynnetteMT, you’re such an airhead, there’s no point in trying to reason with you. Does MT stand for “empty”? Bill Maher has finally had enough of cackling Kammy. Ha ha. One more thing; cackling Kammy isn’t black. She’s of Indian descent.

  5. Is it not obvious that this VP is being steered and controlled by the powers in power? Demos hate being without power and will do anything to win this election by any means. This person is AI controlled and still is in total denial of being controlled just to be elected and adding to her resume! She care nothing for the country and the shadows are just licking their eyebrows knowing if they can pull this off they will remain in power until the next century. Please, please let’s add her to the Hillary club where they can rant an rave to no avail…and write those books! Y heah meh>?

  6. Yes, let’s put Cackles in the Hillary Club. Hillary had a book ghost-written for herself. “What Happened?” Well, she lost, that’s what happened. She blames her loss on everyone but herself.


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