Karine Jean Pierre MELTS DOWN Over FEMA Hurricane Money Question!



Can’t stand her pompous attitude and that stupid outfit makes it even worse!!!!☠️

Looking like a Cabbage Patch version of Beetlejuice


  1. How many BILLIONS have these mental midgets given to ILLEGAL ALIENS? Is that money a loan? Are the ILLEGALS going to have to pay their money back? NO!!! I am so fed up with every single last person in our government!! To add insult to injury, these storms are being manipulated for maximum destruction.

  2. The illegal invaders get benefits that US citizens cannot get. What’s going on here? Why are they being treated like royalty? Send them back! AngryRebel, it’s possible that our weather is being manipulated.

  3. Jan ArmyVet says, ” AngryRebel, it’s possible that our weather is being manipulated.”

    Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!! Lordy, where do you GET this stuff!!!!

  4. Hey Lynette, don’t be so quick to ridicule this idea of weather manipulation. This is something that scientists have studied for years. Now I am not saying that it’s definitely being done but the idea is not as far fetched as one might seem. Take LASERS for instance, back in the 80s, people thought Pres.Reagan was joking about his “star wars” initiative, but science proved that it was possible. LASERS have been used in medicine for years,but back then many people thought the idea to weaponize lasers as outer space, alien mumbo jumbo. WRONG All I am saying is that anything is possible, look how many satellites there are floating around up there and how many different countries control them. Lynette, did you ever wonder what in the hell astronauts are doing at the space station that would need to stay there for months on end? I think that info would be “classified” so we will never know the entire truth, but I am sure that they’re not growing “tomaters”

  5. Bill, I respect your opinion. As to the astronauts – some are stuck up there because their return rocket was deemed not safe. Scientific experiments here on earth take years, so why not in space? Maybe there are studies done on the human body in space for long periods of time.

    I think the political stance of MT Greene to say “Yes they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.” is just plain stupid.

  6. Poor LynetteMT, she either hasn’t figured out yet that the government lies about everything, or she’s being paid to be an internet troll…to gaslight anyone that is smart enough to think for themselves. 5 seconds of research proves they’ve admitted they manipulate the weather. Gates has a patent on hurricane manipulation. SMH!


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