Billionaire CHECKS Mark Cuban Blaming Trump For BLM Riot Deaths & Crying Over Mean Tweets!



Mark is dumber than I thought. You can be smart and a billionaire and be stupid in civics.

Blaming trump for their failures it’s ridiculous!


  1. Mark Cuban? Is he some one important? Oh that’s right, he has money and is a dumocrat so people think he has something to offer. This is all the moron has to offer “0”.

  2. For a Billionaire, Cuban is NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer…not by far (and I’m trying DAMN hard to be nice about it.

  3. I thought rich people were supposed to be smart. You can’t prove that theory with Mark Cuban, a Billionaire who’s as dumb as a sack of shit.

  4. The only card the Democraps have remaining is to blame Trump for the problems that they themselves created. I don’t give a crap what Mark Cuban burps out.

  5. markie boy, no matter how many lies you tell, no matter how many stories you make up, no matter how much you brag about being better than trump, i am not going to vote for the communist, anti american, lying, baby killer, jewish hating, terrorist loving POS Harris if you held a gun to my head.

  6. Mark Cuban is a democrat through and through. And like every democrat , they have to walk the walk and talk the talk their told to do and say. Truth doesn’t matter when it’s the democrats talking. As you can see after every democrat debate or campaigning the truth is never reported, not to after a facts checks are used. Just stop all the lies, no one believes them, you democrats are so predictable. That’s why the real people can see right through you and your lies.

  7. People like ( Cuban and others ( many) ) need to wake up to reality, do the comparison’s of the opponents, and mostly STOP trying to get yourself out there in the public eye where you don’t deserve to be escalating your dumb personal thoughts or even LIES.. Shame on all of you for your ignorance!!


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