NYC Thieves Raid 300 Stores… Without Getting Caught



That thief clearly didn’t need “treatment”. He was a clear headed, dedicated, professional career criminal. What a crock!.

Residents will condone it wirh their votes. Apparently they want their children raised like this. Demented


  1. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving city. You corrupt, wrong thinking idiots, have it coming. NYC has lowered themselves to procecute a former president on bogus charges. You yell ‘defund the police’, so you reap what you sow. You claim you’re a sanctuary city, until a couple hundred illegals are shipped to your city. Then, you bitch and cry about Texas and Florida obliging you. I hope all of your businesses close and NYC becomes a ghost town.

  2. And what will happen if the thieves get caught? Nothing. They’ll be let go with no bail so they can keep doing what they’re doing. We can thank Andy Cuomo’s so-called bail “reform”, which our current governess cuckoo Kathy Hochul refuses to fix. She could fix it, but she won’t. Cuckoo Kathy is totally useless and incompetent. Like, she hasn’t got a clue, man.

  3. You deserve every bit of what your getting and going to get more of.

    New York City not the Big Apple anymore.
    It’s now THE BIG PILE OF SHIT !!!!

    What do you think !!??

  4. JJ Hibs; We the People didn’t vote to become a “sanctuary” city. The sanctimonious liberal politicians did this to us. They could fix it, but they won’t. Cuckoo Kathy Hochul won reelection “by the skin of her teeth”. We could have had a Republican governor in this shithole state.

  5. When there’s no more places for people to shop they will be screaming that’s it’s racist,Adams has proved he is not the answer for the people of NYC but they will continue to vote blue and then complain because when it comes to liberals you can’t fix pure stupidity,after Rudy G. Was mayor the city has become a sewer of crime and the Demonrats policies are to blame

  6. Fed up; Eric Adams is an idiot. That’s why I refer to him as idiot Adams. He was warned that putting illegal invaders in first class hotels at taxpayer expense was a bad idea, but he did it anyway. Now he whines that the invaders are destroying NY City. Couldn’t he see this coming? Where’s the off-ramp? When do we start deporting? The illegal invaders are still pouring in with each passing day. Then idiot Adams endorsed cackling Kammy, KNOWING FULL WELL that she won’t close the border. How stupid is stupid?

  7. How did shit for brains Adams ever get to his position in NYPD when he came up with all this crap? He’s as bad as the previous Commie loon before him!

  8. Maybe idiot Adams was a DEI hire. That’s how he got into the NYPD. They had to hire a certain percentage of idiots. He’s even more clueless than his predecessor, Bill (the pill) de Blasio.


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