TRAINWRECK! Kamala’s Oprah Interview Was Her WORST YET!!!



This is a nominee for president. 48 days out? It’s disgraceful. They thought they could do this to us? Disgusting.

I know what to say: I AM VOTING TRUMP!!


  1. Shame on Oprah. She’s sunk to a new low. I get it when you’re supporting your party’s nominee, but really? She had to know we’d see this and be sad for the nation.

  2. And yet the weak-minded and the propaganda outlets are pushing that she is your next president! They must know the election rig is in, and the courts judge are picked and paid!

  3. America will pay a hefty price if this woman becomes president

    You can kiss America goodbye

    It will never be the same

    And white people will be to blame
    For it

    • How sad, America was such a great country. If this idiot women will win and I am afraid, there is plenty of idiots, who will vote for her, this is will be over it was almost over, with pervious old men, but with her, hmmm. Kiss it good buy.

  4. Ron C; I agree. The election will be rigged, like the 2020 election. They rigged the 2020 election with mail-in ballots. Now we have all these illegal invaders. Who will they vote for? They’ll vote for the party that let them in and gives them everything. That would be the Democrap party. America will not survive 4 more years of this.

  5. I agree to all the above. If America only wants to ripped babies out of its mothers wombs, and change your daughter into a boy and vise versa, then go ahead vote for a ding dong babbling turn the page demoncrat. The hell with high prices at the pump, grocery store, and taxes. You’ll get what you deserve. Open your eyes America. As for me and my family we’ll praise the Lord, and vote Trump.


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