This Teacher Was FIRED For Rejecting Gender Ideology?!



Homeschool your kids. You should not be fired because of your first amendment rights. This is insane.

This is just getting ridiculous. Next thing you know, you’ll go to prison for not being trans.


  1. There is a very few things that I actually hate but one of them is a sick, nasty queer..these people need to be put in mental hospitals

  2. The teacher’s union is in bed with this crap. If teachers don’t want to brainwash the kids, they will be fired. And they won’t have a leg to stand on. These days, kids are brainwashed starting in kindergarten.

  3. THE COUNTRIES WHO OUTLAW PRONOUNS LBTG TRANS SURGERIES ARE THE COMMUNIST NATIONS WHO ONLY BELIEVE IN WOMAN AND MALE AS THE 2 SEXES/GENDERS AND HE OR SHE PRONOUNS AND ONLY HETEROSEXUAL SEX IS PERMITTED. ABORTIONS ARE OUTLAWED IN RUSSIAN AND CHINA AND OTHER COMMUNIST NATIONS BECAUSE OF THE LOW BIRTH RATE. COMMUNIST NATIONS INSTILL SKILLS IN EDUCATION, RECITING THE COUNTRY’S PLEDGES, PATRIOTIC NATIONAL ANTHEMS, THEY INSTILL THAT STUDENTS SHOULD RESPECT PARENTS, TEACHERS, GOV OFFICIALS, POLICE, CRIMINALS ARE PUNISHED, LBTG ARE PUNISHED WITH INCARCERATION, PORNOGRAPHY AND CHILD ABUSE/CHILD TRAFFICKING PROHIBITED OR THE PERPETRATED RECEIVE EXTREME PUNISHMENT. THEIR BORDERS ARE TIGHT AND SECURE AND NO TERRORISTS CAN ENTER TO SPREAD PROPOGANDA OR HARM- –SLAMist extremists not permitted in their countries and dealt with swiftly if illegal entry is made or if they attempt or cause harm. so if you do not find the US EDUCATION system normal or decent or successful, then homeschool or move to RUSSIA who is accepting applications from those in any country with mental illness ideology propagandists who are pushing the insane ideology of LBTG, pronouns, pornography in school books, drag queen story hour to pre-schools and forcing trans-gender surgery on children as the only means of therapy and/or removing them from a given parent who denies their child drugs/surgery to transgender at any young age. One customer misgendered a waiter behind a coffee counter and he corrected himself but the server called the police and he was sent to jail and fined as a HATER of LBTG – mis appropriating incorrect pronoun. MORAL OF STORY – REPEAT THE NAME OF THE SERVER OR CLERK IN ANY GIVEN BUSINESS OR AT YOUR JOB – if a LIBERAL LEFT COMPANY or use PERSON who is tall behind the counter with short dark hair and blue eyes, descriptors. They cannot accuse of you of hate then for stating a wrong pronoun to describe them. STAR-S–T is one of those chains to avoid as they are EXTREME LEFTIST LIBERALS anti-CHRISTIAN – i.e. I cite the year they made all their cups red for Christmas and refused to place the typical ivy trim or something to signify the Christmas season. Many Christians complained and boycotted. CASE IN POINT: RUSSIA even while communist always had churches & Jewish temples were open – all were free to attend this according to my college Russian History professor who was a Jewish American. The caveat you could not be a member of a church and also a member of the Communist Party – you had to pick one or the other. They just saw Churches as political. CURRENTLY IN THE USA, ALL the main stream churches are ALL now LIBERAL LEFT out of fear that their tax absolution may be rescinded so they pander to the government leftist dictatorship and atheism – these churches are blasphemers more than the communists. PRESBYTERIAN USA teach that abortion is good at any stage and condemn the government for laws restricting abortion and transgender surgery for adults or children and publically pray that God will help change laws to approve ALL states to have abortion at any genstational stage and transgender srugery at any age – no exclusions –were mentioned in the prayers on age, etc. They teach students in Sudnay School classes that God and Jesus and any historical figure in the Bible or history can be called by any pronoun you chose and you can change your chices daily or any time you feel like – it is all about not hurting anyone’s feelings – because some people object to the he/she pronoun – even pastors who dress androgynous and claim we all should be above a he or she pronoun as we are above the nonsense of the man/woman binary designation–these people are church leaders with Master’s in Pastoral or Divinity studies from PRESTIGIOUS FAMOUS seminaries. They are denying the word Lord be written in church liturgy, literature as it is patriarchal, brothers and sisters is substituted with siblings. IN some cases Our Father changes to our Parent – some leaders are re-writing the Bible to change or eliminate pro-nouns or the other changes mentioned above and some are changing it as they are reading from the Bible. This is mental illness on the part of church hierarchies and leaders – some are having schisms when homosexual marriages were performed at the altars: In the North Eastern States who are the WEALTHIER CHURCHES and provide amenties or offer help like free organs, laptops, opportunities to train in choirs or instrumentals etc which people are grateful to but the TRUE CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS feel GUILTY IF THEY FINANCIALLY SUPPORT THE SALARIES OF THE ROGUE PASTORS WHO PROMOLGATE LIES AND PUSH SATANIC BELIEFS UNDER THEIR DISGUISE OF PhD and PUBLISHING BOOKS and going to ELITIST SEMINARIES and making close to 400K per year for 2 pastors because they gross about $3 or $4 million per year, tax free income, tax free property of the church: United Methodist, Presbyterian USA, Presbyterian America, Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church of American, Some AMISH and Mennoites in PA and some Baptists in the mid-west or south. I hope that Y—t does not censor me as they have on some prior ocassions due to my writing these similar truths. MATT WALSH TAKE YOURSELF AND YOUR TEAMS TO THE CHURCH CORNERS OF THESE BLASPHEMOUS REPROBATE HERETIC CHURCHES AND AWAKEN THE PEOPLE THERE. I AM TRYING TO DEFEND GOD’S WORD OLD & NEW TESTAMENT TO NO AVAIL. THERE ARE SOME GOOD EVANGLICAL CHURCHES BUT THEY HAVE LOUD MUSIC THAT BURST YOUR EAR DRUMS AND CAUSE DEAFNESS, OR HEART ARYTHMIA, AND RAISE BLOOD PRESSURE AMONG THE YOUNG AND OLD – THAT IS NOT TOLERABLE – THESE CHURCHES DO NOT KNOW HOW TO PLAY PIANO OR ORGAN OR FLUTE OR VIOLIN AND IT IS EASIER TO BANG ON ELECTRIC BASSES OR DRUMS OR ELCTRIC KEYBOARD AND WRITE ROCK SONGS – THEY SAY TO ATTRACT THE YOUNGER GENERATION. THE YOUNGER GENERATION SAY THE SONGS ARE SIMILAR IN MELODY WITH SLIGHT CHANGES TO THE CONTEMPORARY ROCK STARS AND THEY HEAR THE MUSIC BUT DO NOT SING THE CHURCH BIBLICAL LYRICS BUT SING THE ROCK STAR’S SONG’S LYRICS AND THE YOUNG PEOPLE STATE IT IS A DISTRACTION AND KEEPS THEIR MIND OFF GOD AND HIS WORD THE BIBLE SO THESE EVANGEL ROCK LOUD MUSIC CHURCHES ARE DOING A DISSERVICE TO THE YOUNG AND OLDER MEMBERS – WHAT A SHAME. YOU KNOW THAT THE USA IS DOOMED AND GOD WILL JUDGE THIS NATION WHEN THE AMISH HAVE BEEN MARRYING – FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS! – HOMOSEXUALS IN THEIR CHURCH ALTARS (CALLED MEETING ROOMS OF THE FARMING VILLAGE OR PRIVATE HOMES) & MENNONITES WHO WERE ONE TIME STRICT FUNDAMENTALISTS AND CHAMPIONS OF THE MAN & WOMAN MARRIAGE AND FAMILY UNIT AND NO ABORTIONS. I am not sure IF AMISH / MENNONITES approve of abortions.

  4. Parents I have a solution for this sick problem of having kids (it’s) have normal kids and teachers lose their jobs and kids not getting the proper schooling. Teachers that are fired, hire them to school your children. Stop paying school tax (since your child doesn’t go there). Have other parents who agree with you find a building to rent and hire these teachers. No one should have to give up their belief for a job. What happened to a free

  5. I hear ya. I’m a senior citizen. I never had kids, so why should I pay school taxes? One more thing; families who have more kids should pay more school taxes. The more you use something, the more you pay. At least that’s how it usually works.


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