UNHINGED Moderator LOSES HER MIND As Black Conservatives SCHOOL Panel On Democrats Funding Illegals



Don’t take things for granted, vote for Trump.

The “moderator” is trying to keep McKayla from talking because she’s making good points.


  1. I see dopey ol’ Joe is wearing a Trump hat and he looks happy about it. He’s not wearing a Harris/Walz hat. No, not that. He has every right to be pissed because Kammy is stealing his throne. What’s next? Will he endorse Trump? He has nothing more to lose at this point.

    • does having nutty Nancy, Chuck U Schumer and barry boy obama choose your nominee for you sound like “democracy”? or a dictatorship? a cult, a communist evil empire? the jack-ass party is communist & racist. she/it is NOT black. she/it is a bitch

    • The way I heard the hat story is a Trump supporter at a 9/11 event jokingly handed Biden the Trump hat. Biden put it on without looking to see what it said first.

  2. Kamala’s father is Irish on Father’s side and Eastern Indian on his mother’s side. Her father on his birth certificate and legal papers state he is Caucasian. Kamala’s mother was born in India and lists herself as Caucasian on birth certiicates, legal documents. Irish are Caucasian. Eastern Indians are Caucasian. So Kamala’s race is WHITE – Eastern Indian Caucasian. Kamala is NOT BLACK American , NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN at all – not of the African race, nor Black – Negro Race.

    • is she/it a natural born Amerikan? or Canadian? The Gestapo will never tell the slaves (taxpayers) in socialist Amerika. They lied about the communist N1663R from Kenya too

      • Loretta Fuddy, who authenticated Obama’s birth certificate in Hawaii died in a small plane crash in Hawaii. She actually did survive the crash but mysteriously died in the water while holding onto the plane awaiting rescue. All others survived.

        From an news article from CNN on Dec. 12, 2013:
        “The aircraft, with nine passengers on board, crashed into the ocean about a mile off Kalaupapa, Molokai, on Wednesday, the U.S. Coast Guard said.

        The other eight people survived, Petty Officer Stephen Woodbury said. One person swam ashore, a Maui Fire Department helicopter picked up four, and a Coast Guard helicopter rescued three.

        Fuddy was director of the state’s health department.

        I had seen a video on YouTube several years ago about this but it’s no longer available. It was more in-depth but I’m sure YouTube thought it to be a conspiracy theory.

    • It’s said that her paternal grandfather was a slave owner in Jamaica but other stories say it goes back a few more generations. Ireland had banned slavery so Granddaddy moved to Jamaica where it was legal and granddaddy was not a very nice slave owner. Kamala lied about her heritage to get the vote. This could all be put to rest if Kamala takes a DNA test.

  3. Leslie, you could be right. RightwingCooke, I agree with you. Cackling Kammy is white. She claims to be black just so she can get the black vote. One more thing. Liz Warren isn’t a native American. She’s whiter than yours truly, with her blond hair and blue eyes.

  4. Was this moderator one of the BLM riot leaders, not the 3 heads of BLM, but at the front of the marches? She seems to want to dominate and beat down the conversation because Mikala’s message may be thought popular. People revert to what works for them. That yelling down others is what they go to to dominate. There is always something to argue about and usually around free handouts or skin color. It reminds me of the arguments in the 80’s about dark skinned blacks hating on light skinned blacks, or vice versa.

    People have to work their way through their educational pursuits of choice in high school and college and to pay off their student loan obligations without whining about it, or waiting for reparations (for what). What held you back more than would hold back a child not from an inner city to make reparations an entitlement? I think they think the handout of money will fix a problem, but what is the problem, character? This has alienated me. I cannot stand people who, to dominate, are unwilling to hear another’s spoken thoughts when they might have either something more important to say or to teach. Always having the belief that someone is holding you back and should pay you is not always true, although this moderator believes it is. Look at the history/ background/motivation of the people pushing reparations. Usually when people come out of the woodwork pushing the “poor you” narrative they expect a financial gain for themselves. Sometimes you are held back because of your own choices and obstacles you put in front of yourself that you, yourself, have to overcome. Expecting someone else to take responsibility for that is an exercise in futility.

  5. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION HAS TAKEN JOBS FROM CAUCASIANS FOR OVER 49 YEARS!!! Black people are the racist ones. Reparations are ignorant!!!

  6. I’d like to see statistics about the percentage of black women who have abortions, compared to white women. I would bet that the higher percentage would be black women.


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