Trump Takes MASSIVE Lead Over Kamala in Top 2024 Forecast!!!



I’m a woman, and I’m voting for Trump!!

I am voting for President Trump


  1. What will be amazing to me is IF Kamala Harris does win in 2024 how will these Women, Blacks, and Hispanics react when they are bitterly starving and going broke. It will truly be interesting.

  2. Everything this pathetic excuse for a journalist has said about Trump being a threat to Democracy and being a liar,she should be describing Harris because a vote for Harris is a vote for socialism and the end of America and our freedom,you have to be a complete fool to support this corrupt,anti-american administration,Trump 2024

    • Trump only wants to Make America Great Again!! Energy independence
      Lower prices gas ,Groceries, affordable housing, safe closed borders! We had all this when Trump was President! Let’s make it happen again! If you vote Kamala you will destroy our beautiful country to Communism!!

      VOTE FOR TRUMP 2024
      Make America Great Again

  3. The fix is in and coming soon to a voting booth or mail box near you. Anyone in their right mind should see the coming election is going to be rigged for the Kamala side. No matter how empty her delivery, the only plan is to rely on the fake voting that will prevail across this great land.
    If this happens there will never be another Republican president ever! Already the post office saying they are having difficulty and elections are this week for mailing! I cannot handle looking at that”bucket of teeth” ever.

  4. IF they want socialism, that we have seen in the 20th century, has ended in mass murder, I say we give them all they can handle. Liberty vs slavery, the law abiding vs the criminal, Christ vs chaos, life vs death. IT is time to shut down the unGREATful SOCIETY and our Gestapo abuses. choose wisely, if’n ya can


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