Kamala Harris HUMILIATES Herself After Reporter Confronts Her With SIMPLE Economic Question!



This women is actually worse then Hillary.

Calling Harris an economic illiterate is being far too kind. Let’s Go Brandon.


  1. Harris wasn’t qualified to be VP and she sure isn’t qualified to be our president,when it comes to stupidity she is at the top of the list,she’s a communist in disguise,her idea of price fixing is right out of Adolf’s playbook,she is a disaster in the making,stop voting blue or say goodbye to America and our freedom,Trump 2024

  2. The main reason for inflation, is this administrations attack on fossil fuels. When the price of gas rises so does the price of everything. Basic knowledge. Something the demoncrats can’t grasp. DRILL BABY DRILL. TRUMP 2024.

    • Ummm JJ Hibs, we ARE drilling MORE now than under tRump. You might try googling “are we drilling now more than under trump” and see what comes up.

  3. Kamala was described by a NYT as an ECONOMIC ILLITERATE. A likely cover-up by #DemRats will excuse her by being joyfully inspired… #KamalaWordSalad got an extra shot of vinegar. Kamala, how about taking a remedial Economics 101? Nah! Nah! Too late!
    #DemRats must muzzle her with duck-tape to November! Keep her away from inquiring reporters and our biased Media!

  4. “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt” Twain. This EXACTLY why she will not give any interviews. Everyone will realize her ignorance and stupidity.

  5. During Trumps presidency, I paid $20 for half a tank of gas, now $20 will buy a quarter of a tank. No wars, border was basically secured. Definitely can’t say the same thing 3.5 years later.
    Trump/Vance 2024

  6. She’s STUPID ! How could she have been the VP for gosh shakes !!! She is wayyyyy over her head , and people should understand this !

  7. Kamala & her Vice President, in my opinion are true Communist. I could never vote Democrat again because they ate not what I believe in.

  8. She is stupid and has no common since my kids no more then she does and she was running the country for Four years. God help us if she gets in and we turn into Venezuela and that will happen.


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