Peter Doocy: Kamala walked this back immediately



This woman should not be running as President of our country

The moment shes is allowed to open her mouth unscripted,she starts destroying her campaign. There’s a reason they’re not asking her questions.


  1. Everyone needs to go to Kamala’s web site and see where she is now proposing PRICE CONTROLS ON FOOD.
    Seems to me that this didn’t work out to well for states like Russia, Cuba, Venezuela (sp) and CHina. Maybe this is being done so the Chinese who have gobbled up hundreds of thousand of acres of farm land and meat producing companies.
    Just saying. This isn’t going to go over well folks prepare for HUNGER for you and you family.

    • How do we wake-up all Americans? They completely ignore true stories. That is how every dictator in history has blown up every good policy supporting the people. I feel like we are reliving every civilization destruction in recorded history. People who know nothing are too busy with their own trouble to find out what is going on in the democrat religious cult, in power today.
      There was a farcical sci-fi book I read back in the 70’s which featured today’s kind of “president”. The name was: “The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”. Their president was outrageously unqualified. Everything became another stunt. He was even taking things that did not belong to him. “Camala” was one way she introduced herself years ago. Youtube has sanitized it’s video so we cannot easily find it.
      She is the first unelected (see: Merriam-Webster:The meaning of UNELECTED is not chosen by vote : not elected….”) candidate to become the nominee for a political party. It was announced that she had the nomination before any voting by democrats even mentioned her. Communist and Socialist do that. A starvation and manufactured emergency situations are always the basis for destroying any semblance of freedom for the citizens. This looks horrible. True, verifiable, easily presented information is the only way to help Americans keep America free. (Thank a veteran)

    • VP. Harris and Donald Trump who is dumber? Go figure. If you are truly objective in forming your opinion in earnest, you would come to a perfect conclusion that of the two, the latter is dumber.

  2. Where is President Biden? He’s been absent for a few weeks now. Why isn’t Biden making decisions about Israel? Harris shouldn’t be making decisions as the vice president, especially since the United States has military specialists in Israel and the Middle East. The missing Biden displays our Country as weak, confused, and rather unfunctional.

  3. Harris is the most pathetic, ignorant, vp in American history. She has not got the mentality, to become president, she is incompetent, lying, hypocrite, worse than puppet, joe, who they couped out.

    • I agree..Trump or we all loose…..He is our only chance to get our country back be great and be affordable to live a life like we have fought and died to have….. Close the borders keep us safe …. Trump is our only hope…. Harris is a complete failure and the Democratic party backs her … what a joke.

  4. The only strong moments Kamala Harris has with the Media is WHEN has the Questions in advance so, her team can answer them for her.

    Remember Kamala Harris RATINGS were worse than Joe Biden’s

    The Democrats leaders wanted to replace Kamala Harris on the Biden ticket.

    Just how did Kamala Harris go from doing nothing and being Pathetic to being the new Supper-Star for the Democrats over night.

    • Super star? She likes to talk about food. Maybe she can be a “supper-star”. (no offense intended we all misspell something)

  5. Caklin Kamala, what more can I say. She tries to laugh her way through any situation. She cant string together a cohesive statement.


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