Journalist Matt Taibbi joins me to discuss allegations that the FBI misled Americans about the Butler shooter, the Democrat strategy of calling Republicans “weird,” and Matt’s own experiences in Russia. Are Americans too cynical about their government and media? Or not cynical enough?
It’s called the FBI trying to cover up their tracks of involvement.
Vivek im a big fan of you. You’re going to be part of the revival of this country…
Some of the FBI are corrupt. Goes back when they intentionally hid Hunter’s laptop. Trump is a threat to their money flow. Power flow. Stealing taxpayers dollars. Funding their agenda. Not the American people. Schools and colleges infiltrated by America haters. Including staff. Money paid to these corrupt schools. Mainstream Media lie. NewsMax and The First News are the best. No thanks to the Socialist, Communist agenda which destroys societies and freedoms. Jesus died on the cross. Rose to Heaven, with God. Repent, be Baptized, then God gives the Holy Sprit for understanding. The IMPRIMIS newsletter show all the facts.
The FBI is well known for their mop up operations for the democrat party, and that is exactly what they are performing for the conspirators of the Trump assassination attempt!