Kimmel Tries To Humiliate Trump, It Massively Backfires…



Obama got a Nobel peace prize for what appears to be having a skin colour and Trump gets ridiculed but, he had the guts to actually GO to North Korea and sit down to talk peace!.

Jimmy Kimmel is nothing but a clown in a suit.


  1. Obama is a groomed communist elitist who calls the shots for the financial elites. Total fake POS un-American foreigner installed into American politics by his masters.

  2. Most of these people that hate Trump do nothing. They know how to put people down. Why aren’t they out there helping the homeless, trying to bring a lost world to God? Less time to point fingers. Unaccountability seems to be the norm. Rewarded for bad decisions is what they are doing. So many people in show business, business in general, and politics, think they are better than everybody. I call them shallow. They have to lie, or point fingers. Look in the mirror. Are you a real person? Or fake? Catering to the elites and well known, is pretty much evil. I try and help at least one person a day. The Mainstream Media, The View, some of Hollywood, and politicians, bureaucrats have this shallow mentality. Trump helped speed the Covid vaccine when Fauci, and most said that could not be done. Stopped travel to and from China. Kept inflation down. Border was secure. Put America first. Biden said and did things that backwards.The people around him are really incompetent. The results of their bad decisions has been disastrous. Yet they claim success. I read in the newspaper today. One of these writers saying Hillary and others accepted the 2020 Election result. Wrong. Hillary hired people to lie about Trump. Others helped. Then has the nerve to call MAGA deplorable. Most people just want the politicians, bureaucrats, and media to actually tell the truth. The government should be few. To many people getting paid for doing nothing. Using taxpayer money to destroy. No good. Only NewsMax and The First News actually fact check. Soros and others donated billions to the Democratic Party to push their Socialist, Communist, authoritarian nonsense. That destroys societies and freedoms. Soros and others like him, should be in jail. Influencing an election. There was voter fraud according to the VRA. In Washington D.C. like 76,000 plus should not have been counted. Another 37,000 plus were told to be taken off of voter rolls. More were dead people, people voting twice, or ineligible. That was one city. The First News and NewsMax are the fact checkers. Others cater to the Biden Administration. No good.

  3. What, in the name of all that’s holy, do people find attractive or appealing about this spineless, sissified nothing burger who set a foundation for the destruction we’re seeing today?

  4. Obama, the “genius”, made a major slip up during his time in office (admittedly one of many) when he defined E pluribus unum as “out of one, many”. Of course the actual translation is “out of many, one”, which is a reference to America’s history as a melting pot which brings people from all over the world together to become AMERICANS. Obama’s slip up, however, actually revealed quite a lot about his political philosophy, as it represents EXACTLY what he did while in office. He took the American people and did his best to splinter them into as many factions as possible, turning group against group. He was the perfect tool for the globalists who despise a united America, and history will remember him as one of, if not the most, destructive presidents in American history. The polarization of American society increased ten times over during this man’s tenure. The fact that he still pulls so much weight with so many Americans shows just how effective his deception was, and still is. There is no politician that I despise more, and I despise quite a vast number of them on both sides of the isle.


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