Joe Manchin DITCHES Democrat Party, Dems LOSE Senate Majority



Leaving the Democrat Party is the right thing for these people to do.

As an old fella told me years ago, I was a new father in my twenties and realizing the Dems were horrible. He said “I’ve been a democrat for forty five years, I haven’t changed, the party has changed, I didn’t leave the party, the party left me.” At the time it was profound… and this was thirty years ago. The Democratic Party shifted far left a very long time ago, they have been riding a perceived reputation for decades and today are straight up the new communist party. They’re not liberals, they’re full fledged leftist totalitarians.


  1. This is a bunch of CRAP! IF anything the Republicans have changed from caring for Americans to wanting Dictator tRump in power who ONLY wants Power and $$ which you want to give him. UNBELIEVEABLE!!

    • You aren’t too bright are you? Obama led this..millions died from their pandemic..they created all the diseases to harm you .but you aren’t smart enough to know that..I hope they take your money and inject you with their COVID poison..go ahead and vote for enslavement..Obama is a Marxist and anti American..wish we could send ignorant people like you to China..that’s what Obama is making the US you mind having your organs taken to give to these Marxists? You might want to research the truth.. because Obama is a liar. Go look up Barack Obama and Africa..

    • Wake up! Brandon hasn’t done anything good for America or its citizens. He is an embarressment, and the people using him should know better. the only people who would vote for Joe are those who hate America, and loves communism.

  2. If you guys do not think the Dems have changed VASTLY over the last 30 years , then the Kool Aide has worked. The republicans care more about the working man that Dems do. Dems care more about ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS than they do about AMERICAN WORKERS, or AMERicans in general.

  3. Democrats like to call themselves by different names. Does anybody believe that Bruce Jenner and Dylan Mulvaney are actually women just because that is what they call themselves? It doesn’t matter what he calls himself, he still caucuses with the Democrats, which means he is still a Democrat, just like Bernie Sanders.

  4. To save pur country, we must pry all liberals out of the education system. These communists are teaching our youth to hate America. Every one of them need to be out of a job.


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