Canada Just SHOCKED The World With Terrifying New Law



Can we charge Trudeau for hate speech against unvaccinated?

I think what annoys me the most is that the most illiberal people in our society call themselves "liberals."


  1. If thats the case, he should be totally responsible financially for all those that have after affects and have medical costs; especially if they die. Doesn’t he know that the shots have caused a lot of health problems? Also, having a strong immunitly can prevent covid; thats why young people didnt get it as bad as older people who lose a lot of their immunity when they get older. Doesn’t he know that. I never get a flu shot as I keep my immunitly up at 81 years and my sister 87, we never get the flu or get sick. I wonder how much money Trudeau is getting from Big Pharma and other covid products. That a socialist trying to control the people and tell them what to do.

  2. Trudeau was trained by Klaus Schwab (WEF) who is behind the push for a one-world government which necessitates giving the WEF/WHO/etc. complete control (giving up national sovereignty). They know a way to do this is to create a plandemic and require everyone take their evil meds which maim and kill, as they are for world depopulation. If you don’t take their evil meds, they can’t depopulate the planet to 500 million as they have stated they want to do. The only other way to do it is to sneak their poison into the food supply, pharmaceuticals and to inject animals used for meat products. These guys are seriously evil and spiritually devoid of morals. Thank goodness there is a God in Heaven who they will have to give account to someday and I assure you they won’t like it! Their punishment will be eternal.


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